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Our 2013 Program

Organic Gardening

Our first component of the program was Gardening!  We accomplished this leg by partnering with the Crossroads North Atrium Garden, a pre-existing, glorious, raised bed creation.  The kids planted all sorts of wonderful vegetables, watched them grow, and harvested them to use in our kitchen.  And we painted pumpkins AND grew a caterpillar into a butterfly.

Fitness & Nutrition

When we started to plant, we also started to move our bodies and learn the fundamentals of personal fitness -- without the use of cardio equipment or a fancy gym membership!  

Together with our partner, Coach Anthony Carter of Breakthrough Fitness, we learned how fitness makes you feel great, helps you to make better food choices, and even how much fun it can be!

When Summer came, we spent classroom time discussing Vitamins, Minerals, and healthy foods.  We made menu plans, identified fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and, most importantly, escaped the garden's heat for just a little while.

Natural Cooking

The last, and most popular, component of the 2013 program was the weekly Natural Cooking Class.  Every Friday afternoon, we spent hours chopping vegetables, creating delicious take-home meals, baking, talking, laughing, and, of course, tasting.  Over time the kids developed impressive kitchen skills.  When the end of the program came around, the kids themselves planned the Holiday Fundraiser AND (with the help of some wonderful volunteers) cooked an absolutely wonderful meal for 50 people!

Our kitchen at the South Brunswick Senior Center!

Our kitchen at the South Brunswick Senior Center!

Workin' it out at Breakthrough Fitness

Chef Allie speaking at the 2013 Holiday Fundraiser Luncheon!  The food was SO good.

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